Soft Tactile Force Sensor For Underwater Applications (2022 - present)
A soft tactile force sensor was fabricated to operate underwater and detect forces from multiple directions. A machine learning algorithm has been trained to predict the location of applied force. Paper in Sensors and IEEE FLEPS 23.
Tested braille learning with our affordable braille display and devised a novel mechanism to improve the readability of braille for learners with low tactile sensitivity. Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Haptics.
Performance Improvement of Savonius Wind Turbine (2020-2021)
Two porous deflectors were placed upstream of the wind turbine and the porosity, position, angle and length of one of the deflectors were optimized using numerical simulations. The performance of the turbine improved from 27% to 35%.Â
Suggested a guideline for performing stable and more accurate numerical simulation with the proper turbulence model to minimize computational costs at different tip speed ratios. Paper in ICMIME 2022.