
Energy Innovation Challenge, currently known as Engineering Innovation Challenge, is a competition sponsored by the National Research Foundation (NRF). It is jointly organized by the Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) and Science Centre Singapore on the National Engineers Day (NED). Learn more here.

The IEEE Bangladesh Section Pilot Round of SS12 Innovation Challenge and Maker Fair 2018 was organized by the IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Bangladesh Section Humanitarian Activity Committee (HAC). Learn more here.

Winner, Mechanical Festival Poster Presentation, 2018 - BUET

The mechanical festival is held at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology annually organized by the Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA).

Team Tesseract gets featured in BUET's homepage, 2021

At long last, Team Tesseract and I got featured in BUET's homepage, even though they have used the images for catchy titles rather than describing the actual events that happened.

Neural Networks and Deep Learning, 2020 -


I learned how to implement neural networks from home when a countrywide lockdown was in place and the schools were shut down to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Metasploit, 2017 - Cybrary

In 2017, I persuaded numerous cyber security lessons online and performed penetration testing for learning purposes.